iGlobe Healthcare - Your Germanium Bracelet Specialist

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Vital-ion Frequently Asked Questions


How do Vital-ion products produce negative ions?


Vital-ion products use a specially formulated combination of titanium, gold, tourmaline, germanium and other minerals like ceramic to produce high quality and quantity of negative ions. Click here for more information


Are Vital-ion bracelets and necklaces waterproof?


Yes, but it may speed up degradation of the silicon resin matrix holding the negative ion-producing minerals. However, it is safe to wear during activities as swimming, bathing or showering


Can I wear Vital-ion products while I am sleeping?


Definitely. Vital-ion necklaces and bracelets can be worn 24 hours a day. For certain individuals, the effects of the eye mask can be too strong. Wearing it for half an hour before sleep-time is good enough. In fact, we highly encourage the wearing of Vital-ion socks throughout the whole night as the product enhances blood circulation and aids in the removal of toxins from the different organs in the body.


Could I have a reaction to any of Vital-ions products?


The necklaces, bracelets and coating on the protectors are made of surgical silicon rubber and are totally safe for the vast majority of people. However, if you are severely allergic to silicon or rubber we would not recommend using the products.


Will my bracelet and necklace continue to work indefinitely?


In principle, yes. The mineral ingredients in your bracelet or necklace do not degrade. Of course, the silicon and connectors will naturally wear and deteriorate over time.


My bracelet or necklace is looking rather slimy. How do I clean it?


Yes. A gentle cleansing with a mild soap is suitable, however this should be only undertaken occasionally.


I'm not sure my bracelet is working. What should I do?


Every person's experience will be different. Some people are more sensitive than others, so we suggest that you remove your bracelet, then keep a careful watch on your general level of well-being. After a week or two, return to wearing the bracelet, and notice if there is a difference. You can also do a simple Germanium balancing test or bring your Vital-ion product to our office as our ion-tester can measure the amount of negative ions being released.


What's a negative ion anyway?


Ions are small particles commonly found in nature. When an atom gains at least one electron, the atom becomes a negative ion. Another name for negative ions is anion.


Why are negative ions 'good' and positive ions 'bad'?


It seems that many important chemical processes related to health and mood are needy for electrons. When they get the electrons they need (from a handy passing negative ion), the processes flow on as they were meant to and one experiences the corresponding health benefits.


Can I have 'too much of a good thing' with negative ions?


It is safe to wear products with negative ions in the range of 1000 to 2000 ion/cc on any part of your body. However, to experience any therapeutic effect, it is insufficient to be exposed to less than 1000 ion/cc negative ions. An amount surpassing 2000 ion/cc might instead bring you harm in the case of long term exposure. It is also safe to wear more than one Vital-ion products at once. Negative ions are beneficial to one's inner health and this is backed by decades of research from highly respected institutions from all over the world.